Saturday, 24 March 2012

Pieces of Peace

Picture this:
Glass shattered and scattered.
Pieces.                                    Broken.
Chaotic.                                                                                                                        Hurtful when walked on.

Picture This:
Pieces of glass;
Brokenness transformed into
                  Pieces of Peace.
P-I-E-C-E-S: Break it down.

Picture this:
Picture People, People.

I – the Individual International: an Instrument of Inspiration,
Is one of us; part of whole.
Isolated when disconnected in a linked yet shrinking, sinking world.
Not Individual-Ism,
but Idyllic Ideals Internalized and embodied in the Incomplete “I;”
Not the “I need more from,” but
“I have more for…”
Impatient for the elimination
of Injustice and Inequality;
the Illumination
of the Impoverished beyond their Isolated Inhuman Image, where our
Eyes Imprint
“I don’t care,”
Instead Identify as

Individual International Instrument of Inspiration.
I = Impact,
Immediate and eternalY

Enter Earth.
Each Entity that Eats our Environment,
                  Will be Eaten by our Environment.
 End the De-terioration of Everything before
                  We End,
And Earth mends.
Embrace reality
over naïveté.
Echo re-spect.
Enact re-sponsibility.
Re-store, and

Communities Collaborating through Caring at the Core.
Crying for Cooperation to trump Control,
a Catalyst Craving Change Can achieve it only through the Columns of the Collective;
                                    Constructed upon the Contribution of each one.
Culture is Crafted from the Calm and Chaotic Characters who Contribute;
Creation is Complete
not when Contained in Concrete, or
Caught in Captivity, but when
                                    Celebrated, Complimented, and
Carefully and Consciously Critiqued.
Constructive Conceit Can Conquer occupation, as we
Creatures Catch on to the Call for Communities that thrive and are

Peace as “Ease”
does not Engender harmony,
but is the Excuse of the lazy.
Existence requires Energy, Exertion, Enterprise; the
                  Effort of Empathy over the Easiness of Apathy is a Re-quirement
                                    of Equitable and Ethical Existence.
Employ the Emblems of peace;
                  Build the Bridge:
Break the Bread:
                                    Eat Ensemble.
Evolving through the Exercise of Empowering Each other, or Else,
Expect destruction until

Silence of Serenity or “Security”?
Statements that Shun through
Shut-door policies and
Screening bodies.
“Security” that instills Suffering in Secret;
“Security” in the name of Sanctuaries manipulated to Source the Stillness of Cemeteries.
Scream for Safety, not “Security.”
                  Scream despite Societies that Smother, Stifle, Suffocate – 
                                    Struggling for brighter Skies while
                                                      Still praising the Splendor of present Sunrises.
Seek to Speak through Stories and Stats for truth;
                  Stir our Senses to Save, not Slaughter.
Set your Sights on Strength from Stones not posed to Strike, but
Set in Soil for Solid ground to Step on.
Simply Stand for Survival and Liberated Lives, not the
Security of the State.

Smash of glass!                 

Pieces of Glass,
People scattered.

Glass pieces placed in a Mosaic:
                                                                        Whole.                  Complex.
                  Inspiring.                                                                                          Art.                  Simple.
                  Purposeful.                  Beautiful.

Broken becomes whole in the
 Picture of
with the Earth,
in Community;
Empowered through

Picture this:
Pieces of Peace =
People of Peace.   



For those of you who made it to the bottom of the page,
This is me christening this new learning with my most recent poem which attempts to encompass and share a few of my swirling thoughts from over the past few years about what it means to learn hard and awe inspiring lessons of peace involving

...sacrifice and finding fulfilling satisfaction

...humbly giving and receiving locally, with an international awareness and connection clearly in mind...

...Active, beautiful, passionate, seriously fun people helping one another by doing life together...

Here's to my return to the beautiful, broken, and barriered area of the globe (just one of too many in this world) that refuelled the fire in me to pursue more... more... more... heaven on earth; starting at home, through

...US... :)   (not to be confused with the "U.S." ;))

Will explain the new venture shortly,

Spread life folks,

 - C